Friday, September 10, 2004

"He's a flip-flopper! Flippity flop flop flip!"

Hey everybody, be sure to stay tuned, as I have some audio updates planned that will hopefully go up this weekend, covering my rock and roll weekend over Labor Day weekend at Seattle's Bumbershoot. Anyways, to hold you over, here is a laugh out loud bit, courtesy of ABC News' The Note. It's the way that Democrats want you to look at Bush, and the way that Republicans want you to look at Kerry. Enjoy! : ABC News' The Note: First Source for Political News: "Thus, George Bush as brought to you by the Democrats and the GOP version of John Kerry :


Born (with a silver spoon in his mouth) to patrician New England family in New Haven on July 6, 1946.

Prep school cheerleader.

Young and irresponsible %u2014 and vaguely so.

'I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes.'

AWOL, physical-dodging, hard-partying bogus flyboy.

Failed businessman with continuing young and irresponsible behavior (a.k.a.: the Kitty Kelley years).

Powerless, faux-bipartisan governor of Texas.

Over-promising, vague, McCain-savaging presidential candidate.

Supreme-Court-manipulating, illegitimate president-elect.

Right-wing, war-mongering, environment-destroying, special-interest-controlled, daddy-revenge-seeking, stem-cell-research-crushing, vacation-taking, tax-cutting, neo-con puppet POTUS.


Privileged, French boy with ambiguous cultural heritage.

Preternaturally ambitious prepster.

Medal-seeking, exploit-filming, fabricating, wimpy-yet-overly-aggressive Swift Boat exploiter.

Medal-throwing, Fonda-consorting, Genghis-Khan-citing anti-war radical.

Money-marrying, rich-man's-sports-loving pretty boy.

District-shopping, Dukakis-hugging, hyper-ambitious pol.

Uber-liberal, do-nothing, anti-military, tax-raising senator.

Howard-Dean-aping, flip-flopping, Iraq-war-bobbing, Gore-like presidential candidate."


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